Step by Step

Create an Expense Report for Missions

The site can be found at:

1. Use your Church account login name and password to login.

2. Click on the “Mission Office” tile.

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3. Click on the “Review Card Transactions” tile.

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4. Select the card you are accounting for by clicking the green circle with the arrow in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Then click on “Change Employee” to the card you are creating the expense report for.

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5. Select “Monthly Expenses” for the business purpose, then enter a description to identify the expenses in the report you are creating.

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6. Then click “Add from My Wallet”.

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7. Select the card transactions to add to the expense report. (Transactions are listed by date and show the last four digits of the card, transaction name, and amount.)

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8. Click “Import”.

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9. Click “Update Details”.

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10. On the left side of the screen, select the transaction you wish to change the accounting codes for.

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11. Then click “Accounting”.

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12. Type in the correct code. If valid, a description will display below.

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12A. If the transaction needs to be split to multiple accounts, click on the plus and distribute the amount appropriately.

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13. When the transaction is allocated correctly click “Done”.

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14. Allocate the rest of the transactions in the expense report (steps 10–14).

15. Click “Review and Submit” if the report is ready to send to the mission president for approval. Click “Submit” again, then “Submit” one more time. (If the report is incomplete and you wish to continue working on it later, click “Save”.)

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To continue working on saved expense reports, click on the “View Card Expense Report” tile. You can also view past expense reports and see their status here.

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Once complete, notify your mission president that he will need to approve the expense report in CARD. (Please refer him to the “CARD_APPROVE AN EXPENSE REPORT” training if necessary.)