Sister Missionary in Texas Passes Away after Brief Illness

Contributed By Aubrey Eyre, Church News staff writer

  • 12 March 2020

Sister Katherine Pindar, a 19-year-old missionary serving in the Texas Houston East Mission, died in her sleep following a brief illness. Photo courtesy of the Pindar family.

Sister Katherine Pindar, a 19-year-old full-time missionary from Arizona serving in the Texas Houston East Mission, died in her sleep following a brief illness.

The Church released a statement about the overnight passing of the young missionary from Mesa, Arizona, on Thursday, March 12, noting that the exact cause of her death has not yet been determined.

“With sadness, we share news of the passing of a young sister missionary serving in the Texas Houston East Mission,” the statement by Church spokesman Daniel Woodruff read. “We are mindful of her family and loved ones and pray they will feel comfort and peace at this extremely difficult time.”
