Elder Soares Asks Young Adults to Share Why Living the Gospel Brings Them Hope

Contributed By Camille West, News.ChurchofJesusChrist.org

  • 19 July 2019

In this video, Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy ask young adults of the Church to finish the phrase: “Living the gospel brings me hope because . . .”, and post their answers on social media.

Article Highlights

  • Elder Soares asks young adults to finish the phrase: “Living the gospel brings me hope because . . .”
  • Post answers via video, image, meme, or text using the hashtag #YAface2face or #LDSdevo.
  • Watch Face to Face on September 15, 2019.

“Our hope is that you will find hope and happiness through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” —Elder Ulisses Soares

In a video recently published on YAface2face.churchofjesuschrist.org, Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles asks young adults of the Church to finish this phrase: “Living the gospel brings me hope because . . .”.

Elder Craig C. Christensen, a General Authority Seventy, then invites young adults to share their answers on social media through video, image, meme, or text using the hashtag #YAface2face.

On September 15, 2019, Elder Soares and Elder Christensen will participate in a Face to Face event for young adults.

“We look forward to reviewing the posts, said Elder Christensen in the video, ”a few of which will be used during the broadcast.“

Several responses to the phrase are already published on YAface2face.churchofjesuschrist.org: A women named Beth said that living the gospel brings her hope because “I know there is more to life than just today’s heartache and pain. I can feel God’s love and care for me individually and trust that everything will work out.”

Another respondent, Matt, said, “Living the gospel beings me hope because I know I will see my brother, who has left this mortal life, again. I'll get to see all my loved ones. I'll get to be with my eternal companion forever.”

The video concludes with Elder Soares saying, “Our hope is that you will find hope and happiness through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

During the upcoming Face to Face event for young adults, Elder Soares and Elder Christensen will answer questions submitted on YAface2face.churchofjesuschrist.org from young adult Latter-day Saints from around the world.

“It is likely that many of the young adults have questions,” Elder Christensen said regarding the broadcast. “We will not be able to answer all questions in this event, yet we have confidence the answers will come, whether their own question is directly answered during the event or not.” He testified that as young adults pray for answers, they can receive spiritual impressions and discern what the Lord would have them do.

When asked what he wanted to say to young adults, Elder Soares said, “I am so excited to participate in a Face to Face event with you young adults of the Church. Believe it or not, not long ago, I was once a young adult too. I know how exciting that time can be. I also know how hard it can be. I hope that you young adults who watch the broadcast will feel greater joy and hope as you face the big decisions and the wonderful and glorious future ahead of you. As you press forward with faith, you can find lasting happiness and eternal hope through our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.”

He added, “I love you. Our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, loves you. And, most importantly of all, your Heavenly Father loves you.”

A screenshot from YAface2face.ChurchofJesusChrist.org shows how some young adults have answered Elder Ulisses Soares's request to share how living the gospel gives them hope.
