Moisés Villanueva
Moisés Villanueva Lopez
13 Dec 1966
Oaxaca, Mexico
TitleGeneral Authority Seventy
OrganizationGeneral Authority Seventies
Call Date4 Apr 2020
Conference Talks

Moisés Villanueva

Moisés Villanueva was sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 4, 2020.

Church Service

Elder Moisés Villanueva was sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 4, 2020. At the time of his call, he had been serving as an Area Seventy and a member of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy in the Mexico Area. He served in the Caribbean Area Presidency. He is currently serving in the Mexico Area Presidency.

Elder Villanueva has served in a number of Church callings, including full-time missionary in the Mexico Hermosillo Mission, high councilor, regional welfare agent, Church-service missionary, bishop, area auditor, counselor in a stake presidency, and president of the California Arcadia Mission from 2014 to 2017.

Professional Life

Elder Villanueva received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Southeast Regional University in 1997. In 2011 he received a master’s degree in innovation for business improvement from Tecnológico de Monterrey. At the time of his call as a General Authority, he had been working as chief executive officer of SERTEXA.

Personal Life

Moisés Villanueva Lopez was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, on December 13, 1966. He married Leticia Ávalos Lozano in 1995. They are the parents of three children.