Training for Stake Relief Society Leaders

Stake Relief Society Presidency (See 9.8.2)


The principal responsibilities of stake auxiliary presidencies are to assist the stake presidency. On the stake presidency's behalf, stake auxiliary presidencies instruct and support ward auxiliary presidencies. They do not fulfill assignments that should be fulfilled on the ward or family level.

Stake Relief Society presidencies have the following responsibilities:

  • Orient newly called ward Relief Society presidencies.
  • Provide ongoing encouragement, support, and instruction for ward Relief Society presidencies and teachers.
  • Base some of their instruction on chapters 1–6 and 9 in Handbook 2.

Stake Relief Society presidencies meet regularly with ward Relief Society leaders to:

  • Learn of their needs.
  • Discuss the needs of the sisters they serve.
  • Communicate information from the stake presidency.
  • Arrange periodic visits to ward meetings and classes.

Bishops may request additional instruction for ward auxiliary presidencies. (See 15.4.1.)

Stake Relief Society Meetings

Leadership Meetings

Stake Relief Society leaders instruct ward Relief Society leaders in stake leadership meetings, which are generally held once a year. A second leadership meeting each year may be authorized by the stake presidency. (See 15.4.1.)

The purposes of these meetings (see 18.3.11) are to:

  • Teach Relief Society leaders their duties.
  • Instruct them in teaching and leadership skills.
  • Strengthen their faith.
  • Correlate activities, give reports, and share ideas.

If all auxiliary organizations meet at the same time, they may come together for general instruction and then meet in separate groups to receive instruction from their organization leaders.

Stake Relief Society Meetings for All Sisters in the Stake

Under the direction of the stake presidency, stake Relief Society leaders may plan and carry out one or two stake Relief Society meetings each year for all Relief Society sisters in the stake.

  • These meetings may include service, classes, projects, conferences, and workshops.
  • One of them may be held in conjunction with the general Relief Society meeting.
  • The stake Relief Society presidency may form committees to help as needed.

Welfare Responsibilities (See 9.8.2)

The stake Relief Society presidency ensures that ward Relief Society presidents understand welfare principles and that they understand their role to help bishops in welfare matters.

The stake Relief Society president supervises stake Relief Society welfare efforts.

The stake Relief Society president also coordinates stake Relief Society efforts during emergencies.

Young Single Adults

The stake Relief Society presidency assists young single adult sisters in the stake. If the stake has a young single adult committee, a member of the presidency serves on the committee (see 16.3.2).

Stake Presidency (See 9.8.1)

The stake president oversees the Relief Society in the stake.

  • He meets regularly (usually monthly) with the stake Relief Society president or presidency.
  • He provides priesthood direction as they counsel together about matters that pertain to Relief Society sisters and their families.
  • These matters may include welfare needs, the progress and needs of sisters in the stake, and Relief Society meetings, instruction, and activities.