Act Two, Scene 2

Segment 2.5

(The Upper Room. Peter and the other Apostles enter.)

PETER: Thomas, have you given up hope?

THOMAS: Hope, no. But my demands, yes. It’s been a week, Peter. Tell me what I need to do.

PETER: Trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises, in His due time.

THOMAS: In His due time.

[Music cue: Segue into “He Is Risen/Except I Shall See—Part CMP3, PDF ]+

(As Thomas and Peter embrace, a man representing the Savior, dressed in a white robe, appears before them.)

Christ appears to Thomas
SAVIOR: Peace be unto you.

(All but Thomas kneel.)

PETER: Master.

(Thomas turns and kneels.)

SAVIOR: Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

(Thomas steps forward and touches his hands.)

Thomas kneels at Christ's feet
THOMAS (falling to his knees, weeping): My Lord and my God.

SAVIOR: Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.77

(The light fades, and the man representing the Savior walks away. Slowly, the Apostles rise and gather around Thomas, who still kneels.)

PETER: Now we can go to Galilee.

ANDREW: What would you have us do, Peter?

PETER: What we know how to do. Fish. And there He will come to us again, as He said.

(All apostles but Thomas leave. Thomas rises.)

I searched with my eyes,
But I was blind.

Thomas testifies in song
By His mercy eyes of faith I find!
Lord, what I asked afearing,
Thou answered with Thy love.
O Lord, my God,
I will believe,
I’ll always,
Forever and ever,
That Thou hast come to me!

(Thomas exits. Underscore continues as the scene changes. Immediate segue to the sea of Galilee.)

+ Because these two pieces are performed without a break, the audio file contains both of them.

77. John 20:26–29.

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