Activities – Policies and Guidelines

Ohio: Service Project

Safety Precautions

Activities should involve minimal risk of injury or illness to participants. Activities should also involve minimal risk of damage to property. During activities, leaders make every effort to ensure safety. By planning effectively and following safety precautions, leaders can minimize the risk of accidents.

Activities should include appropriate training and proper supervision. They should also be appropriate for the participants’ age and maturity.

Leaders should be prepared for emergencies that may occur. They should also know in advance how to contact local law enforcement and emergency services.

(General Handbook: Safety Precautions and Accident Response and Reporting, 20.6.20)

188th Annual General Conference: Quentin L. Cook

Elder Quentin L. Cook discusses the importance of following policies and procedures to improve safety in activities. (Worldwide Leadership Training, February 2011; see also General Handbook: Activities: Policies and Guidelines, 20.6)