Online Gambling
Gospel Living

There are better ways to spend time and money!

04/18/23 | 1 min read
Here are a few other gambling guidelines to think about.

How do Church leaders feel about gambling? Former prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley once gave a talk where he summarized it very clearly: “We are against it.”1

He was echoing just about every latter-day prophet since Joseph Smith.

As the Church’s General Handbook states, “The Church opposes and counsels against gambling in any form. This includes sports betting and government-sponsored lotteries.”2

Why do we avoid gambling? For one thing, it’s a waste of time and money. By its nature, it’s wildly unpredictable and unreliable. Most people who gamble lose most of the time. (That’s how casinos stay in business!)

Worst of all, it’s very easy to get obsessed with gambling—even addicted to it. Gambling ruins lives the same way alcoholism or drug addiction does.

The goal of trying to get money for nothing is usually wrong wherever it appears. Playing games with friends is great! Just leave the money out of it.

Struggling to Give Up Gambling?

If you feel like you’re already hooked on gambling, talk to a parent or leader about what you’re experiencing. Ask God for help letting it go and forming healthier habits. You are loved!

Adapted from this article in the Mar. 2023 For the Strength of Youth magazine.
1. See “Gambling,” Apr. 2005 general conference.
2. See section 38.8.17.
